When you think of winter you think of cold, dewy mornings, jumpers, slippers, football and netball seasons, soups and hot roasts. Thinking of swimming in winter and instantly you cringe at the idea of cold water, head colds, ear infections and snotty noses- yuck!
Why Should You Keep Swimming Through Winter?
Up to the age of 5, children are creating 1 million new neural synapses (brain connections) a SECOND! Through repetition and consistent exposure these synapses form into learnt responses and skills- from learning to walk, talk, sit, and stand through to problem solving and communication skills. However, to
make room for all the new information and skills these little brains are absorbing, information and skills not practiced and repeated actually die- a process called Synapse Pruning. This is seen time and time again with children who are confident and competent in the water during the summer, then take the winter break of a term (13 weeks) or more return nervous, less competent in learnt skills, and experience an overall regression in their swimming ability. In the swimming sense, a 4-year study conducted by Griffith University with the support of Laurie Lawerence, Kids Alive and Swim Australia, found that not only that children who swim regular are
months ahead of their non-swimming peers across physical development, literacy and numeracy skills, communication, and problem-solving skills- from 6 to 20 months ahead of their peers! It is also known that children who swim at least twice per week progress 4x FASTER than those who only swim once per week, This is evident in children who have access to backyard pools outside of lessons, or who participate in multiple lessons each week. As it gets too cold to use the backyard pools we notice these children don’t seem as confident or progress as quickly as they do over the summer.
This is the perfect opportunity to pick up an extra lesson through the week, even for just a term or 2 during the cooler months, to keep their skills, confidence and competence progressing and excelling ready for it to warm up again.
Benefits of Swimming through Winter:
- Swimming is a low impact physical activity which builds lung capacity and muscle development, strengthens the immune system, and increases overall fitness. It is the best choice for physical activity for asthmatics because it is the least likely to trigger symptoms.
- Swimming is proven to reduce stress and mood swings and improve self-esteem. Children who keep swimming sleep better, have better mental-wellbeing, and more confidence.
- Swimming improves appetite, burning energy in the water creates hungry bellies when they finish. Children are more likely to finish a full meal rather than pick and play with their food or ask for snacks.
- Swimming makes children smarter- in and out of the pool. Children who swim are 6-20 months ahead of their peers in numeracy and literacy, communication and problem-solving skills, coordination and muscle development, independence, and social skills.
- Swimming teaches children perseverance and resilience, that with consistent effort and practice comes praise, accomplishment, and feeling of success. In turn this builds self-confidence, independence, and character from an early age.
How to Keep Swimming Through Winter?
DON’T follow the same practices you do in Summer! Swimming in winter doesn’t make kids sick, but:
- Bundling them up in wet towels to dry and change at home.
- Arriving in and/or changing into minimal clothing pre-/post swimming (remember, being in water is the quickest way to lose body heat, so we need to help the body warm up again when we get out).
- Leaving hair and ears wet after swimming.
Practices to adopt during winter to ensure your child’s health and wellbeing whilst swimming during the cooler months:
- Have a warm shower and get fully dry and dressed after swimming.
- Arrive and leave fully dressed- jumpers, trackpants/leggings, onesies, beanies, SOCKS, and shoes.
- Have a warm drink ready to go, warm soup and/or noodles to warm up from the inside out!
- Dry inside ears and dry hair as much as possible, then rug up with a beanie. Our bathroom has extra power points if you wish to bring a hairdryer for you and your child’s hair.
- If your child is snotty (green/yellow colour), with a fever or already sick- please don’t share.
Swimming will build immune systems- when they aren’t already fighting infections. If your child is sick, please do not bring them to swimming lessons.